Home Improvement

Don’t Get Locked Out! Learn How to Change a Door Lock’s Code

Image source: Tricky_Shark / Shutterstock.com

Securing your home involves more than just a robust door and a dependable lock; a frequently overlooked but critical aspect is regularly updating your door lock code. Whether you’ve recently moved, completed home renovations, or have concerns about your current code’s security, understanding how to change the code on the door lock is essential.

So, now that we’re on the same page of why it’s important, let’s start with…

Specifics of keyless door locks

Keyless door locks have revolutionised home security by offering options that eliminate the need for traditional keys. Understanding the various types of keyless coded door locks on the market will help you find the one that will best suit your needs.

Now, you will become familiar with mechanical options like push-button door locks and digital/electronic alternatives such as keypad or combination door locks.

Mechanical push-button door locks

Mechanical push-button door locks operate without electricity, offering a straightforward yet effective means of keyless entry. You input a specific combination of buttons or numbers on a physical keypad, which triggers the lock to disengage.

These locks are durable, reliable, and require minimal maintenance, if that’s what you’re looking for.

Digital/electronic keypad or combination door locks

Digital and electronic keypads or combination doors utilise electronic components for enhanced security. You input a predetermined code on a digital keypad or rotate a combination dial to gain access. These locks often offer additional features like remote control and audit trails for monitoring access.

Smart locks

There are also smart locks which are accessible via mobile apps, and provide advanced features such as remote access control and integration with smart home systems. They operate via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or other wireless technologies, ensuring secure and convenient access via your smartphone. Due to app-dependent functionality, smart locks offer added convenience and smart home integration.

Keyless door locks, including push-button variants, enhance security by eliminating the need for physical keys, thus minimising the risk of unauthorised access.

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How to change the code on a door lock yourself

Changing your door lock code is a straightforward process, but it requires careful consideration, especially when it comes to safety measures and permissions. Before proceeding, make sure you have the right to change the lock code, especially in rental properties or shared spaces. Obtain permission from property owners or whoever holds the relevant authority to avoid legal complications.

Also, as far as safety measures go, inform household members or key users about the upcoming code change to prevent accidental lockouts. If the lock allows, create a temporary backup code in case the new one encounters issues during setup.

Finally, be aware of emergency procedures or master codes provided by the manufacturer for unforeseen situations. You never know when these might come in handy. So, before you change the password on your door lock, you need to supply yourself with a few things.

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Changing code on mechanical push button locks

When it comes to mechanical push-button door locks, changing the code is a straightforward process.

Tools and prerequisites:

  • Screwdriver or Allen wrench (for removing any cover or panel that may be present to protect the internal components)
  • New code sequence (if applicable)
  • Access to lock manual for specific instructions

Here is how to change the key code on the door lock:

  1. Access the current code – enter the existing code to unlock the door;
  2. Locate the code change button – there is a specific button or mechanism on the lock specially designed for code changes;
  3. Initiate code change mode – follow the manufacturer’s instructions to activate the code change mode. This often involves a combination of button presses;
  4. Enter the new code – input the new code you wish to set for the lock;
  5. Confirm the new code – some locks may require confirmation by entering the new code a second time;
  6. Exit code change mode – conclude the process by exiting the code change mode as per the lock’s instructions.

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Changing code on electronic/digital keypad locks

Most electronic locks require a straightforward approach. However, some might require additional steps or considerations due to their digital nature.

Tools and prerequisites:

  • Admin access credentials (username/password)
  • Smartphone or device with the lock’s dedicated app (for smart locks)
  • Stable internet connection (if required)
  • Manufacturer’s guidelines for code change

Here is how to change the code on a digital door lock:

  1. Access the current code – enter the existing code to unlock the door;
  2. Locate code change functionality – identify the specific button or procedure designated for code changes on the keypad;
  3. Initiate code change mode – follow the manufacturer’s instructions to activate the code change mode. This may involve pressing a combination of buttons or entering a master code;
  4. Enter the new code – input the new code that you want to set for the lock;
  5. Confirmation (if required) – some locks may require you to confirm the new code by entering it a second time;
  6. Additional security measures (if applicable) – certain electronic locks may provide additional security features, such as fingerprint recognition or card access. If your lock includes such features, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to incorporate them into the code change process;
  7. Exit code change mode – conclude the process by exiting the code change mode according to the lock’s instructions.
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Tips for creating secure codes

Now that you know how to change the password on your door lock, it’s time you learned some essential tips on how to enhance the security of the codes:

  • Use strong and unique codes – Generate codes that include a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid easily guessable information like birthdays or common words;
  • Regularly update lock codes – Schedule routine updates for your lock codes, especially if there’s a concern about the security of the current code. Regular changes help reduce the risk of unauthorised access, particularly in scenarios like moving into a new residence or completing home renovations;
  • Avoid predictable patterns – Steer clear of using predictable patterns such as sequential numbers or common phrases. Opt for randomness to make your codes more resistant to brute-force attacks;
  • Enhance security with multi-factor authentication (MFA) – While traditional door lock codes may not directly support MFA, consider additional security measures like smart locks that offer multi-factor authentication through mobile apps;
  • Educate users on security practices – Ensure all users (family members, guests) understand the importance of door lock security. Educate them on creating secure codes and recognising potential security risks;
  • Regular security checks – Periodically assess the security of your door lock codes. If you suspect any compromise, change the code promptly to maintain a secure living space.

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  • The market offers mechanical push-button door locks as well as digital/electronic ones;
  • Changing the code is a straightforward process most of the time;
  • Notify everybody who needs to know, before changing the code,
  • Regularly update your door lock code for enhanced home security;
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