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Garden Advice
How to Get Rid of Moles in the Garden
- Published: Mar 28/2019
- Last update: Feb 21/2025
- 5min read
- Views: 2,670
Although some people think moles are cute, they can cause serious damage to your lawn and landscaping. Even if they don’t actually eat green life, the collateral damage from their digging is just enough to harm the plants and soil in your garden.
So, if you have been a victim of a mole infestation, continue reading as we share with you the best ways to remove garden moles.
There are several signs of mole activity you can look out for:
The first signs of mole activity are heaps of soil excavated from lawns and flowerbeds (molehills).
Seedlings and other small plants in flower beds and vegetable plots can be damaged by moles tunnelling through the soil.
Those are the two main signs of a mole infestation, which are most visible in the spring, early summer, and autumn. The higher temperatures in the summer cause moles to dig their tunnels deeper in the ground, which makes them harder to spot.
Before you unleash your inner hunter, you need to understand certain rules about taking care of a mole infestation on your own.
So, let’s start with the following:
Remember that harsh and unnecessary actions against wildlife, even when the animal is considered a pest, may lead to fines and imprisonment. According to, you are not allowed to use the following things:
The BPCA also agrees that professionals can only perform the most effective methods to remove moles in your garden. If you have a pest problem, the best options are to either contact your local council and ask if they can provide you with a pest control service or hire a company/certified pest control technician.
On the Internet, you will find plenty of humane ways to get rid of moles. Rather than killing moles, always choose a natural approach to deter them:
The obvious way to go is setting up a trap, of course. Still, many factors need to be taken into account that will ensure the success of the task. These include:
If you indeed catch a garden mole, for the whole process to make any sense, you need to release the animal at least 2 miles away from your property, with permission from the owner of the property where you’re releasing it.
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Now stands the question. Are moles really this harmful so that the only choice is to get rid of them? Well, in recent years, there have been plenty of mixed opinions about this. Moles digging elaborate tunnels and mounds can ruin your lawn or garden. As a result, grass, trees, and plants can be killed.
When most gardeners carefully calculate the risks, they conclude that moles are not the end for their garden, and the better option will be just to let them be. It has been proven that moles contribute a lot to the health of the soil by mixing its nutrients, turning it, and enhancing drainage through their digging.
So in the end, it’s up to you to decide whether moles are a nuisance or a friendly fellow gardener.
What are your experiences with those small, pink-nosed creatures? Do you see them as a problem or just as cute wild animals? Share with us your thoughts in the comments below and we hope you found this article on how to get rid of moles useful!
Image source: depositphotos / Buurserstraat38
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