Garden Advice

How to Install Concrete Fence Posts and Gravel Boards

Installing a fence with concrete posts and gravel boards isn’t an easy task but it has many advantages. Concrete posts are durable, last longer than regular timber ones and can also bump up your property’s value.

Add some concrete gravel boards and some quality timber fence panels and you have yourself one solid fence that will boost your privacy, shelter you from the elements and will also contribute to your garden’s overall aesthetic look.

Right then, keep on reading to find out how to put up a fence with concrete posts if this is just the type of privacy or boundary garden feature you’re looking to install in your back garden. 

So if you:

  • Want to install a fence that won’t break in high winds and is extremely resilient;
  • Are tired of regularly treating your wooden fence posts and want them replaced
  • Want a solid sound and wind barrier that won’t break the bank

Then this post is for you.

How to install concrete fence posts? 

Before you go and buy any concrete fence posts, first, work out how many of each type you will need. There are three distinct types of fence posts that you can choose from:

  • Corner posts – these posts can fit two fence panels at a 90-degree angle, forming a corner in the fence run. 
  • Intermediate posts – these posts are the most essential ones as they can fit one fence panel on both its left and right sides creating a straight fencing run.
  • End posts – the end post only has one grove and can accept just one fence panel. It’s used to complete the end of a fencing run.

Once you have all of your posts at hand, it’s time to install them.

Step 1: Make an outline

Before you start digging holes for your concrete fence posts, use a gravel board to measure the space between each post. This way you will know exactly where to dig your holes.

Step 2: Dig a hole for the posts

The holes you make for your concrete fence posts should be around 2 ft deep (if you want your fence to be 6 feet high, go for 8-foot fence posts) and twice as wide as the posts. 

Step 3: Position your posts in the holes

Position each of your posts in the holes you’ve dug for them. Then, do a bit of measuring to check if everything is levelled properly.

Step 4: Fill the holes with concrete

Before you fill in the holes with concrete, make sure that your gravel boards fit like a glove between the posts. Then, pour the contents of a bag of quick setting concrete mix (for each hole you’ll need about 40 kg of concrete mix) into the dug-out holes (one at a time) around the base of the posts and add the appropriate amount of water. Hold the posts in place until the concrete mix sets in. You can also mix the dry mix and water separately and then, fill the holes around the posts with the ready concrete.

Step 5: Let the posts sit overnight

It’s always a good idea to wait overnight for the concrete to completely solidify before you begin slotting fence panels in the concrete fence posts.

How to install concrete fence posts on a slope?

There are different ways to approach installing a fence with concrete posts on a slope, where with some of them, you may need to have custom-made fence panels. The two main options are a racked fence or stepping fence.

For instance, to fit a racked fence, you can choose to follow the ground (if the slope is gradual), which will mean that the gravel boards will also do that to avoid ending up with huge gaps at the bottom of your fence. With this method, you can have the top of your fence either sloping, as well, or have it horizontal and straight, throughout, in all locations.

To achieve the latter will mean that your concrete post will need to be set into the ground at a different depth – at the highest point of the slope, the hole for the post will be the deepest, for example. The result will be that only the bottom side of the fence is racked for the slope. The fence panels, of course, will have to be made specifically to accommodate the gradient, meaning their bottom side will have to follow the line of the sloped gravel boards. 

The other option will be to have your fence horizontal, both at the top and at the bottom, by filling the gaps under the gravel boards with soil.

A third method to apply, when installing a fence on a steeper slope, is to create a stair-looking fence. Again, it will be up to you how the bottom side of your fence will look like – with gaps or without gaps if, say, you have pets that you’d want to prevent from sneaking out. 

To sum up, fitting a fence with concrete posts on a slope is not an impossible but rather tricky job. So, it’s best if you leave it to a professional fence installer.

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How to install fence panels on top of concrete gravel boards? 

Gravel boards are usually around 140 mm in height and can be made out of either wood or concrete. As mentioned above, they are slotted underneath your fence panels and sit on top of the ground. Their main function is to protect your timber fence panels from the wet ground (after rain), insect attacks and various debris, as well as give your fence extra support.

Installing timber fence panels is quite easy especially when you’ve already had your concrete fence posts and gravel boards set in place. Just fit your timber fence panels on top of your gravel boards and make sure they’re firmly seated. Job done!

How to install fence panels in existing concrete posts?

If one of your fence panels has been blown away and destroyed following a storm, you will need to install a new one between the existing concrete posts. For this, you will need the following:


  • Five pieces of sturdy wooden planks, around 6 feet long and six inches wide each.
  • A new fence panel
  • Nails


  • A claw hammer
  • Two bar clamps

Step 1: Reinforce the new fence panel (optional)

Lay your brand new fence panel on the ground with the property-facing side facing up. Then take two wooden planks and position them from top to bottom onto the panel and nail them in. Make it so that the planks are positioned a quarter of the way in from the sides.

Step 2: Give the panel legs

Take another two planks and position them on the ground parallel to the ones nailed on the panel. Place the last plank across the two freestanding ones (these should form an H) and nail it into position. Now clamp this H-shaped structure to the bottom of the planks you nailed onto the panel. Make sure these clamps will be easily removed from the inside of your garden once the panel is in place.

Step 3: Roll the panel over

Roll the panel over so that the bottom of the legs (H-structure) are positioned at the bottom of the concrete post.

Step 4: Position the panel

Lift the top of the panel over your head (by holding the H-shaped legs) and position the bottom a bit below the top of the posts. Slot the bottom of the panel right between the notches on the posts. 

Step 5: Snug the panel into the posts

Once you have part of the panel between the two empty posts, it’s time to remove the clamps holding the legs. By doing this the panel will fit perfectly in between the posts. All that’s left now is to remove the two planks you nailed to the panel itself.

Opt for a professional fencing service

Does fence installation feel like too much work? Or are you way too busy to undertake such a project all by yourself? Well, worry not, Fantastic Services are here to help. We work with experienced and talented landscapers, which can easily install a new fence surrounding your garden, and all this while you’re relaxing in the comfort of your home. A

ll you need to do is call us or fill out the online booking form below and we’ll take care of the rest.

Need a professional landscaper?

Get in touch with a professional landscaper who will do your fence justice!

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  • When installing a new fence with concrete fence posts all by yourself, make sure you get the right number of different types of posts.
  • Installing a fence on a slope is done the same way as installing it on a level ground, with the exception that the panels may be fitted to look like steps.
  • Gravel boards, more often than not, should be installed after you’ve already put up and cemented your fence posts.

Did you find our post helpful? Have you ever installed a fence with concrete posts by yourself? Let us know in the comments below!

Image source: Shutterstock/Paul Briden

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