Pest Problems
Where Do Queen Wasps Hibernate?
Pest Problems
A Wasp Nest Removal Cost Guide
- Published: Feb 20/2023
- Last update: Jul 19/2024
- 8min read
- Views: 1,938
Summer is a great time to enjoy the warm weather, however, it’s also when wasps are most active. These colourful insects can become quite a nuisance if they build a nest on your property, don’t ignore the problem.
If you,
Then read along and you will learn the factors that affect the wasp nest removal prices, and what you should consider before making any decisions.
The straight answer to the question “do wasp nests need to be removed?” is “it depends”, but you will often hear “only if it poses a threat”. The most important reason why you’d want to remove an active wasp nest is safety, as you have already guessed.
Wasps are known for their aggressiveness and willingness to attack if they feel threatened. Children and pets are especially vulnerable to pests if they happen to be playing close to the hive. Wasp venom contains a variety of chemicals that can cause hypersensitive reactions, such as mild skin irritation and even severe anaphylactic shock.
The wasp hive can become quite large, and even cause structural damage if it’s in your home. Damage to insulation is another reason why you should never leave an active nest in your loft or anywhere in the house. An active wasp hive can also attract other pests which feed on its larvae and eggs.
Although the nest is only used for 3 to 4 months, basically the entire summer, it should still be removed because it might attract other insects, such as beetles and moths. Mind you, wasps do not reuse old nests or overwinter in them. Instead, the queen seeks a warm and sheltered place, such as a tree hollow, to hibernate during the winter months.
When you deal with an active wasp nest, know that DIY wasp removal techniques can be dangerous since wasps become hostile and territorial when their nest is disrupted. In fact, if you try to destroy a nest before the wasp colony has been eradicated you risk your safety and will likely not get sufficient results.
Aside from the risk of being stung, utilising do-it-yourself methods may result in unsuccessful wasp management because many household products are not developed to deal with kill-off wasps. As a result, the pests may reappear in the same location, or the infestation may move to other sections of your property.
What’s more, you need to know the different types of wasps to choose the right product against them. There is also the fact that wasp hives can spring up in difficult-to-reach places such as the roof, gutters, lofts, chimneys, and walls, and accessing them securely and effectively might be difficult for the unskilled person.
On the other hand, using a professional wasp controller has its fair share of benefits.
On average, wasp nest removal prices can range from £50 to £100. But the average wasp nest removal cost for the UK market can vary greatly based on your location, size of the nest and the complexity of the removal process.
So, it’s important to keep in mind that these prices are only estimates. The actual cost of wasp nest removal may be higher or, in fact, lower depending on your particular situation.
If you’re looking for reliable and efficient wasp nest removal services in the UK, then check out Fantastic Services. Our wasp nest removal prices are very competitive, you can check them out by visiting our wasp control page. The team of experienced technicians we work with is dedicated to providing safe and effective wasp control solutions to help you get rid of a wasp infestation for good.
Book a professional and efficient wasp control service online!
You already know that different factors influence the wasp nest removal price, but let’s see why those factors are so important in the first place.
Now, let’s look into more detail as to what you can expect from a professional pest control service. Here is how the Fantastic pest technicians normally operate when dealing with a wasp nest:
Get your professional wasp removal appointment today!
Once the threat to you and your family has been removed, you want to make sure it stays that way. So, there are a few things you can do:
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