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BEKO Appliances Fault Codes

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If you own a Beko washing machine or dishwasher you can generally rely on a trouble-free operation. Even the best-made appliances can go wrong though. If your machine does develop a fault, understanding Beko error codes will help you to resolve the problem with a minimum of delay.

This article is for you if:

  • You own a Beko washing machine or dishwasher
  • Are currently seeing an error code you don’t understand
  • Want to know if you can resolve the problem yourself or need some expert assistance

Common Beko washing machine fault codes

Understanding Beko washing machine fault codes is relatively easy. The codes run from E1 through to E18. As in all brands and appliances, Beko washing machine error codes generally tell you where the problem lies rather than exactly what it is.

If you’re able to fix the issue yourself, then once you’ve done so, pressing and holding the start button will clear the code and allow the machine to start functioning again. If not you can always get in touch with a certified Beko washing machine repairman.

Common Beko washer fault codes list

We’ve included a brief description of the kind of fix that might be required.

  • E1– Thermistor fault
    This is probably an issue with the thermistor wiring within the machine. Unless you have considerable electrical wiring expertise this is one for the professionals.
  • E2 – Heater problem
    The heater might need replacing or there may be a wiring problem. Once again this is a professional job rather than something you can resolve yourself.
  • E3 – Heater not switching off
    The control board relay may need repairing or replacing.
  • E4 – Washing machine not filling
    There are several reasons why this might happen, some are easy to resolve, others are not. Check to make sure the door is fully shut, that your water supply is working and that there are no obvious kinks or blockages in the inlet hose. If none of these applies, the fault may be more complex and you’ll need a Beko appliance repair specialist to identify and remedy it.
  • E5/E20/E21/C2 – Machine not emptying
    Check for kinks or blockages in the drainage pipe and dirt or blockages in the drain pump filter. If you can’t see an obvious fix it’s time to get an expert to check for more complex issues such as pump failure or control panel faults.
  • E6/E11 – Motor problem
    Both of these codes indicate some problem with the motor. You’ll need a professional to identify exactly what the problem is and what’s required to repair it.
  • E7 – Level sensor fault
    You may also notice that the machine empties itself every time you try to fill it. You’ll need an engineer to troubleshoot and fix this fault.
  • E8 – This code covers several faults
    Usually, the machine won’t fill with water. It will require an expert to diagnose exactly why not.
  • E9/E10 – Door lock problem
    Sometimes opening and closing the door will clear this problem. E10 suggests that the door is jammed in some way. You may be able to identify and clear an obvious obstruction. If not you’ll need an engineer to fix a failed lock or resolve an issue with the electronics relating to the door operation.
  • E12-E16 Uncommon fault
    No description of these is offered here as they’re all technical and will require a professional to resolve them.
  • E17 – Excessive foam
    This could be a result of using too much detergent or the wrong detergent for the machine. You can clear the foam manually if you can open the door. Alternatively, run a few rinse cycles to clear away the suds.
  • E18 – Unbalanced load
    This one’s simple. Stop the machine, unload it and reload taking care not to under or overload the machine and distribute items evenly.
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Common Beko dishwasher error codes

There are lots of error codes for Beko dishwashers. Many of them indicate faults that are too complex for the average householder to fix. There are a few simple issues that can arise. These are listed below along with some of the more common Beko dishwasher error codes that will indicate faults you’ll need to call an engineer for.

Anytime you do need an engineer, tell them about any Beko error codes displayed. Knowing these, and the model number in advance will help the expert to ensure they bring any basic spares you might need.

Common Beko dishwasher fault codes list:

  • E02 – Water drainage issue
    Check for blocked filters or kinked hoses. If there’s nothing visible and obvious you’ll need a Beko dishwasher repairman to troubleshoot and repair.
  • E04 – Water filling issue
    Before calling the engineer for this check that your water supply is working and look for kinks or disconnected hoses.
  • H2 – Turbidity sensor error
    This is the sensor that detects the presence of detergent. It may need to be repaired or replaced.
  • H3 – Diverter valve error
    This is the valve that controls the supply of water to the top or bottom spray arms.
  • H7- Heating fault
    The appliance can’t detect the heater or the heater isn’t working. This is a relatively common error but not one for an unexperianced handyman to deal with.

Do you need professional help with your appliance?

Is your appliance giving you a hard time? Some of the modern appliances are really complex pieces of machinery, full of all kinds of sensors and wiring.

If you have stumbled upon a fault code that you can make no sense of or the error your appliance is showing turns out to be something you haven’t even heard of – get in touch with the Fantastic Services appliance repairmen.

They will fix your appliance, replace parts if needed, and can give you helpful maintenance tips upon request.

Need a professional?

Find a professional to take care of your appliance.

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  • Understanding Beko error codes may help you to identify a simple problem you can fix yourself
  • Beko appliance error codes also assist engineers as they identify the area where the problem lies speeding up exact diagnosis
  • If you’re calling for an engineer, be sure to tell them the model number of your appliance and any error code being displayed


Have you ever fixed an appliance as a result of checking the meaning of an error code? Tell us about it!

Or, if the error code you’re looking for isn’t listed here tell us what it is – we may be able to help you understand what it means.

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