Company Stories

Fantastic’s Refresh London Campaign – Free Cleaning Service for Local Businesses!

Keeping your business’s facade clean is a never-ending job. Especially in a busy city like London. But now, inspired by the Keep Britain Tidy Campaign and the City of Manchester’s “Keeping your street clean” initiative, the Fantastic Refresh Campaign is here to lend a helping hand!

Do you know a local business which could use a FREE jet washing or FREE window cleaning service to help them out? Or can you think of a part of your neighbourhood which could really use a clean? Read on and find out how you can nominate a business (even your own).

How it all started?

Fantastic Services owner and co-founder Anton Skarlatov loves walking around London. But the habits he’s gained over the years he’s been running a domestic services company mean he can’t help but notice the amount of dirt and litter. On the pavements. On street corners. In side streets and alleyways. On buildings. Even on the facades of nice little local businesses…

And so the Fantastic Refresh Campaign was born. To help give local businesses a little boost. As well as to hopefully bring back a little sparkle and shine to at least a few parts of London!

What have we done so far?

The Fantastic Refresh Campaign has already given some of London’s favourite watering establishments a new clean look. Check out the images of:

The Bull’s Head

Greenwich Tavern

The World’s End

Want to see your favourite local pub or business added to this list? Here’s how:

How does it work?

Who can nominate a business?

Anyone can nominate a business! If you know and love a local business (or you just happen to walk past one on your way to work every day and always think it could use a little sprucing up) fill in the form and let us know. You can even nominate your own business if you’re local and independent.

What types of local businesses can I nominate?

You can point out any business in a place which gets significant foot traffic. For example:

  • Your favourite local pub or bar;
  • Local restaurants;
  • Bakeries and butchers shops;
  • Clothes or shoe shops;
  • Independent shops of all kinds.

Does my nominee need to provide anything?

All you need to do is check that your chosen local business:

  • Has easy access to electricity and a water tap.
  • Will be happy to receive a FREE jet washing service (available until 31st December 2018).
  • Or will be happy to get a FREE window cleaning service (available from the 1st January onwards).

How do I nominate a business for a free cleaning service?

It’s easy:

  • Choose the business you want to nominate. It can be your own.
  • Sign up via the Facebook ad form. You need to enter your name, the name of your nominee as well as their postcode and address, and provide your email address.
  • Wait. After you’ve signed someone up successfully, a Fantastic rep will get in touch within 72 hours.

That’s it! So keep an eye out for local businesses which need a little help. And let’s start bringing back a little bit of London’s shine.

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