Cleaning Guides
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Cleaning Guides
How to Clean a Fridge in Less Than an Hour
- Published: Feb 28/2020
- Last update: Feb 17/2025
- 7min read
- Views: 329
Raise your hand if you never miss cleaning your fridge on a regular basis!
You can put it down now.
We’ll all probably agree that this is the one household chore that somewhat gets neglected along with cleaning your oven, tidying up your pantry, or washing the windows.
We get you.
That said, sanitising your refrigerator is an errand you just simply have to run. Now, let’s learn how to clean your fridge in less than an hour!
So, if you:
… then, read along! Let’s start with…
Time needed: 30 minutes.
First things first. To clean your unit on the inside usually doesn’t require the use of fancy cleaning sprays and strong chemicals. So, what to clean your fridge with? The best way to sanitise your refrigerator is by using soda bicarbonate, vinegar, and soapy water. Baking soda is something we recommend a lot in our kitchen cleaning checklist, as it has great disinfectant and deodorising properties.
Here’s how to clean your fridge using soda bicarbonate and vinegar:
Unplug the appliance before getting on with the job. Not that it’s impossible to clean it on the inside while it’s on, but who would want to have cold hands while doing it?
Take all the food out of the fridge. Sort it out by discarding expired items. You can also wipe clean jars and plastic containers with food if they are somewhat sticky on the outside.
Shelving and racks are best cleaned individually with soapy water and rinsed under the tap. Dry those with kitchen paper afterwards.
Clean the rubber lining around the door with a vacuum cleaner to get rid of all the accumulated grime. Then, wipe with a sponge and soapy water before padding the gasket dry with a clean cloth.
Mix white vinegar and water and spray the inside of the unit and let the solution soak in for a while. Again, use a sponge dipped in soapy water and clean well every surface and corner of the fridge on the inside, including the door. Remove dry stains by using a bit of baking soda and a wet sponge, if you need to. Wipe clean with a wet cloth, again and dry the fridge with a kitchen towel.
Put back everything where it belongs.
Organise all food items inside your fridge.
Pull the fridge gently forward to expose all of its sides. Wipe clean its exterior surfaces with a sponge and soapy water or use a mild all-purpose cleaning spray, by avoiding any exposed coils. Dry the outside of the appliance with a clean cloth.
Before storing food inside your new fridge, simply wipe down the interior and shelves with a soft cloth and soapy water.
Cleaning the condenser coils on a refrigerator is a sure way of how to avoid fridge repairs. You probably know what happens if the refrigerator coils are dirty, right? Yes, the compressor will overheat and your appliance won’t be working as effectively as it should. Eventually, dirty coils may cause damage to the fridge and the need for repairs.
Regardless of where the condenser coils are located, along the back of the unit or underneath it, you’d spare 15 minutes to clean those well, too. Depending on the model, you can access the coil elements, which are mounted under the unit, either through the rear panel or at the front, through the toe grille. Brush carefully all the grime build-up with a brush.
Then, vacuum any remaining fluff around and in between the elements by using the nozzle attachment of the machine and clean the floor area of any fallen dirt and dust. Then, give the fan blade a quick wipe with a damp cloth and you’re done. Plug in your fridge again, as this is so easy to forget.
Well, there’s no right answer here, especially if you’re a cleaning fanatic or a stay-at-home mum, who likes to keep on top of things. Yep, no one, then, could ever stop you from giving your fridge a good clean every few weeks.
Still, if you’re neither of the above, then it’s a good idea to clean your fridge every three months to keep bad odours at bay, ensure your food safe for consumption, and avoid unexpected fridge freezer repairs.
Keeping your fridge clean (or relatively clean) but food safe at all times is important, as we’ve just explained above. And it doesn’t take you even a minute to wipe an obvious spill or stain every time you open the fridge. So, here are a few extra hacks that can make your life easy and help you have food organised and stored correctly in a hygienic appliance.
Perhaps you don’t have time, or maybe fridge cleaning is simply not your forte. Whatever the reason is, why not get professional appliance cleaning from Fantastic Services? It includes sanitisation of fridge’s shelves, baskets, glass and rubber seals.
Get in touch with us and get your appliance all cleaned up today! And if something’s wrong with your unit, we’ve got you covered – fridge repair, too, is something we can help you with!
Book appliance cleaning with Fantastic Services today!
Will you clean your fridge any time soon now? Or have you cleaned it recently and how? Feel free to share any hacks and tips in the comments below!
Image source: Andrew Rafalsky/
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