Home Improvement

How to Install a Washing Machine

A washing machine is one of those appliances that no home can go without. Most models are made to last for at least a decade, depending on its maintenance. However, at some point, every washing machine will give in to general wear and tear, and you’d have to replace it with a new one.

But, once you have the new appliance, how do you exactly set it up? What’s the right spot? Is there such? How do you disconnect your existing unit and replace it with the new one?

Worry not! The Fantastic Services team is here to aid you in the installation process of your new appliance. Just follow our simple guide on how to install a washing machine, and you’ll forget about this short inconvenience in no time.

Table of Contents:

This article is for those of you who:

  • Are relocating their old appliance;
  • Need to replace their old washing machine with a new one;
  • Are buying their first washing machine for their new home.

How to find the right spot for your washing machine

Naturally, if you are replacing an old washing machine, the new one will go to the same spot. However, if you are moving into a brand new place that is yet to be furnished or simply rebuilding your current home, you should spare a thought on the most convenient spot for this essential appliance.

Surface requirements

To find the best spot to install the washing machine, you need to cover a few basic requirements. Of course, access to water is a must. It’s also advisable not to place it on a hardwood floor, as wood materials could get damaged should any leaks occur. Instead, a tiled floor is perfect for the job.

The room should be well isolated and temperatures shouldn’t fall below zero degrees. And of course – don’t forget to provide access to an electrical outlet so you can turn on the appliance.


Before buying a new washing machine, you should measure it to make sure it fits the chosen spot. Washing machines come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Don’t forget to measure the doorways as well, so that the appliance can fit through them.

The standard dimensions of most washing machines are 85x60x60 centimetres. However, depending on the volume, the dept could vary between 40 and 70 centimetres. It’s also important to have at least 1 centimetre of free space on all sides of the appliance.


A washing machine needs to be evenly levelled on all sides to avoid damages. Most washers come with levelling feet. These are adjustable legs placed under the appliance that ensure better levelling on the hard surface. Turning them clockwise will lower the corner of the washer and adjusting them counterclockwise will raise it. You can use a spirit level to level the appliance properly.

How to disconnect a washing machine

If you’re replacing an old washing machine, you will have to remove it first so you can make space for the new one. This can be a challenge, and not just because the washer is heavy.

  1. Disconnect the machine from the water and power supply.
    First, switch off the water supply to the washing machine. The pressure in the water supply hoses should lift immediately, so be prepared to put a bucket or a cloth under the hoses, before detaching them. Then, unplug the washing machine from the power outlet. Once you are done with that, you will be ready to move it from its spot.
  2. Move the machine out of the way.
    You will need somebody to help you out with this since washing machines are quite heavy. If you’re working alone, don’t attempt to lift it by yourself. Instead, move one side forward, then do the same for the other. Pull the machine forward while trying not to put stress on the water supply hose. Now you should have enough space to proceed to the next step.
  3. Detach the water supply hose.
    Behind the washer is a hose that supplies it with water. You’ll have to turn the screws atop the clamps counterclockwise until they’re loose. There will probably be leftover water in the hose, so prepare a bucket. If the washing machine is old, detaching the tube might be difficult. In this case, use a pair of pliers to loosen the clamps. Detach the hoses from the wall and the back of the washing machine.
  4. Remove the drain hose from the drain.
    The drain hose is slightly trickier. Depending on your plumbing setup, it could be attached to the sink, the floor drain, or a wall-mounted drain. Just follow where it leads to and detach it like the other hoses. This hose could also contain leftover water, so be prepared with a bucket again.
  5. Prepare for the move.
    Moving a washing machine is serious business, and you will need more tools than you need to install it. First, you have to secure the drum with special transit bolts to protect it from moving during the relocation. Install the bolts according to the manufacturer manual. The hoses and power cord should be securely taped to the machine. And you will need work gloves, lifting straps and someone to help you raise the machine.

For more pointers on how to move a washing machine, check out our guide on moving large appliances:

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How to install a washing machine

Now that you’ve found the perfect spot, it’s time to plumb the washing machine in. So, here is how to install a washer:

Time needed: 1 hour.

  1. Connect the water hose.

    To do this, you have to attach the hose to the back of the washing machine and twist it securely. The other end of the tube should be connected to the water pipe. You don’t need special tools for this; your hands are enough.

  2. Bring in the new washing machine.

    Moving a washing machine by yourself can be quite challenging, therefore, we recommend grabbing a couple of friends. You will need to place the washer on a dolly to bring it to its designated spot. Place pieces of cardboard on the floor, so you don’t scratch the floor with the dolly.

  3. Remove the transit bolts.

    Now, you need to remove transit bolts. If you don’t, the bolts will interfere with the washing machine’s actions, causing a lot of noise and internal damage to the drum.
    The bolts are located at the rear of your washing machine. Usually, there are 3 or 4 of them, tightly locked to your appliance. If you have problems locating the bolts, simply check the manufacturer manual. 
    Use a pair of pliers or a spanner. Once you remove the bolts, don’t throw them away, as you might need to use them for relocation purposes. 

  4. Connect the drain hose.

    Ideally, the washing machine will reside in the kitchen close to the sink. Your sink should have a waste connection attached underneath. That’s where you have to connect the drain hose. If you are installing the drain hose for the first time, remove stoppers before attaching the waste hose. The hose should be bent downwards. Fix it with a plastic holder provided with your washing machine.
    In other cases, you could attach it to a drain in the floor, or you may use a standpipe if there are no draining outlets available. If you’re using a standpipe, you’ll need one with a larger diameter than the hose. Remember that the standpipe shouldn’t be less than 30 cm high.

  5. Run a test cycle.

    Once the hoses are attached, the water supply is switched on, and you’ve plugged the washing machine in the power socket, it’s time to do a test run. Load the washer with laundry and keep a close eye on it. Make sure there are no leaks throughout the whole program. If there are leaks, you might have to tighten the hoses.

Incorrect washing machine installation can be a culprit behind a number of problems with your appliance functioning. One of such problems is inconsistent filling of the drum. If your washing machine won’t will with water properly, check out our post on the topic. 

How to maintain a washing machine

Now you have a perfectly working brand new washer to serve you well for at least a decade. With the right maintenance, you could easily extend that period. Here are a few good tips that can help you achieve that:

  • Inspect the water supply hoses.
    A common reason for leaks is hose damage. To prevent this, it’s a good idea to inspect the appliance every few months. If you notice signs of damage, you’ll have to replace the hoses with new ones or hire a professional washing machine repairman.
  • Switch off the washing machine valve.
    Switch off the water supply to the washing machine whenever you’re not home for a long time. By doing this, there will be less pressure on the supply hoses, and it would decrease the wear and tear.
  • Install a washer drain pan.
    A washer drain pan is a pan you position under the washing machine, which is also connected to the drain. In case of a leak, instead of ending up with a huge puddle on your floor, the pan will drain the water and save you from severe water damage. The Fantastic Services team doesn’t recommend installing a drain pan by yourself if you don’t know what you’re doing. You can opt to call a professional washing machine installer to connect your washing machine to the waste pipe, too.
  • Don’t overload the washing machine.
    Overloading the washing machine with laundry could result in damage. Also, make sure to leave the door open after a wash. If you have a problem with the smell of the drum after washing your laundry, leave the door open to help with ventilation.
  • Clean the interior and the dispensers.
    Like any other appliance, the washing machine needs to be cleaned as well. You’ll have to wipe down the drum and especially to clean the dispensers from any leftover detergent. You can also run an empty load of hot water with 2 cups of white vinegar on a full cycle. In the middle of the wash cycle, add half a cup of detergent. This will help against unpleasant odours.

Hire a reliable plumber for the job

Some of the washing machine installations are pretty straightforward – just plumb the appliance in, and you are ready to use it! However, certain cases require a professional solution.

If you are not familiar with the plumbing specifics of a washing machine installation, a good idea will be to book a professional appliance installation service. If you have doubts about how to install a washing machine properly, you can always rely on our help!

And if you need some dirty laundry cleaned asap you can always rely on our spot on laundry services. Book now and you will have all of your laundries professionally cleaned and delivered back to your door within 24 hours.

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  • When you bring in a washing machine into a brand new place, you’ll have to choose a spot with the right measurements, make sure there’s access to water and power supply, and also situate it in a room where temperatures don’t fall below zero;
  • Installing a washing machine is easy as long as you know how to connect the cold and hot water supply hoses and the drain hose properly.
  • A washing machine can live longer than the years guaranteed in your warranty, as long as you inspect the hoses regularly and don’t overload its capacity.

Installing a new washing machine is not a hard task, as long as you know what you’re doing. However, bringing the machine in is quite challenging and it’s not recommended to do this alone. And if you are experiencing any plumbing problems, the professional team of Fantastic Services is always ready to help you out.


Have you installed a washing machine by yourself before? How did it go? Share your experience in the comments!

Image source: VGstockstudio/shutterstock.com

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