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How to Transplant Plants Properly
- Published: Aug 04/2020
- Last update: Jun 17/2024
- 8min read
- Views: 1,188
Plants need our tender loving care to thrive, and making sure they are growing in the right spot is crucial to their wellbeing. That is why transplanting plants is an important part of their care routine. Whether your green babies need transplanting often or can deal with being in the same spot for longer, it’s essential to know the right replanting method. So, in this guide, we will go over how to transplant plants the right way. Let’s get right to it!
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Transplanting, sometimes called replanting, is essentially moving a plant from one location to another. This includes moving garden plants to a more suitable spot, moving seedlings or established plants from a pot to your garden, or placing potted plants into a larger container.
Sometimes, you may find that your plants don’t thrive in the soil they’re in, and you need to change this by either improving the soil or by transplanting your little pretties. On that note, uprooting your plant and moving it to a better spot in your garden may be called for not only because of its needs for more suitable soil conditions but also because of the specific number of light/shade hours per day it requires.
Furthermore, there are some plant varieties, like peonies, that need to be transplanted and divided in order to thrive. This way, not only do you ensure the happiness of your flowers, but you’re also getting even more of them! We’d call this a win-win situation!
Some plants need to be transplanted once a year, while others can do with being replanted less often, once every 2-3 years. Whatever the case, researching your specific plant species and its requirements is essential.
There are many reasons why transplanting plants is needed. Here, we have listed the most common reasons. Take a look!
However, keep in mind that not all plants deal with transplanting well. Some root vegetables, such as carrots, don’t like to be transplanted at all, as it can severely damage them.
There is also the possibility of transplant shock in anything you replant, but there are steps you can take to minimise the risk of it happening. We will talk more about this issue later on.
Without a doubt, the best time to transplant plants is in early spring or late autumn.
Summer is not a suitable time to replant, as it’s way too hot and the plants are focused on growing and producing, rather than establishing their roots.
For blossoming plants, transplant them before or after flowering, as there is less chance of success if you do it during the blooming process.
The best time of day to transplant plants is early in the morning, or in the late afternoon when it’s not too hot and the plants won’t be exposed to the scorching midday sun. Another option is to do it on a cloudy day.
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Now that you know what transplanting plants is and when you should do it, it’s time to learn how to perform it properly. There is a slight difference between transplanting outdoor and indoor plants, so we’ll go over both of these scenarios today. Here we go!
Replanting outdoor plants is not difficult and, with the right tools and know-how, you can get it done in no time! Here is what you need to do.
You need to water your plants the day before you replant them so that the roots are moist.
The next day, dig a hole in the ground no deeper than the depth of the root ball.
Carefully dig out the plant and its roots, or, if transplanting it from a pot to your garden, place your hand on the soil, turn it upside down and gently tap it out of its container.
Put the plant in the hole you dug and fill around it with soil. The top of the root ball should sit just above ground level, as it will sink slightly as the soil settles.
Gently press down on the soil with your hands to help it settle.
Water the plant thoroughly, but without drenching the soil. Use a watering can or a garden hose with a spray nozzle adjusted to a gentle setting, as stronger streams can uproot the plant.
And there we go! Keep an eye on your transplanted plants for the next few days to check if they need water or if they’re showing signs of transplant shock.
When transplanting plants in pots, the method is very similar. The main difference, really, is that there is no digging involved. So, let’s get right to it! Here is how to transplant potted plants.
And you’re done! As with garden transplanting, keep an eye on your plants to see if they’re showing signs of stress.
And, speaking of stressed plants…
All plants are at risk of transplant shock when being replanted. But what exactly is it?
Transplanted plants can suffer from stress, also called transplant shock, and as a result, can grow dormant or stunted, or even die in severe cases.
There are many reasons for transplant shock. The roots of the plant may not take hold, and there may be a lack of water or a pest infestation. Another cause for your plants not taking off as they should after transplanting them is the inadvertent damage you may have done to its roots during the process of dividing the clump or when trying to remove a plant that has “badly” overgrown its pot.
Some types of plants, especially some self-seeders, are just not that fond of transplanting. Before you start, check whether your green babies usually take well to transplanting and do what you can to make the process more comfortable.
In any case, the best way to treat transplant shock is to prevent it in the first place. So, protecting your newly replanted green babies during and after transplanting them is a must.
A sure sign of transplant shock in plants is wilting. It can signify the plant not getting enough water, or the roots not taking hold. You can usually fix this issue with consistent watering.
Trimming the plant back can sometimes fix transplant shock, as it encourages the roots to grow stronger. However, take care not to over-prune the plant, as this can stunt its growth.
If you’re not sure you can handle this task yourself, don’t worry! The expert gardeners at Fantastic Services are here to help! The professionals we work with offer a planting service that is sure to transform your green space. We can provide you with the plants and containers you require, plant them for you and come up with an impressive design that is sure to make your garden a sight to see.
So, what are you waiting for? Book your landscaping survey today using our simple online form and choose a date and time that suit your schedule!
Find a professional to take care of your plants.
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Image source: Shutterstock / IgorAleks
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