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How to Flock a Christmas Tree
- Published: Nov 25/2021
- Last update: Nov 19/2024
- 5min read
- Views: 518
We all dream of a white Christmas, full of magic. The good news is that even if there is no chance of a snowy festive season, you can still recreate the lovely atmosphere with a beautifully flocked Christmas tree.
In recent years, the flocking process has turned into quite a popular solution for bringing the winter wonderland into your home or garden. Therefore, in this article, we will show you how to flock to a Christmas tree easily and seamlessly.
So, if you:
Then, read on.
You’ve probably seen thousands of beautiful snow-covered Christmas trees while passing by stores or on TV. However, if you have never heard the term ‘flocked tree’, it refers to the process of evergreen plants being dusted with artificial snow. This should not be confused with fake Christmas trees designed with white plastic needles – here a white flocking powder is used for a more customised effect.
Flocking can be applied to both artificial and real Christmas trees. While there are many pre-flocked evergreen trees available on the market, one of the benefits of flocking your tree is that it can save you money and allow you to express your creativity.
In the past, materials like cotton, flour and cornstarch were used to create a snow effect on Christmas trees. Nowadays, we use modern-day flocking, which is mostly made of tiny cellulose or cotton fibres, self-adhesive and often fire retardant and glitter.
While you can opt to use materials like soap flakes, white glue or spray paint, we recommend using snow spray for the Christmas tree or flocking powder for a more authentic result. Flocking has been designed specifically for decorating Christmas trees, it lasts longer and is a preferred option by florists and professionals alike.
While a flocked Christmas tree creates a magical atmosphere, the process can get quite messy. Before you begin, we recommend choosing a room with good ventilation that you won’t use immediately after. Keep in mind that after flocking, the tree will need some time to dry completely.
What you need to flock a Christmas tree
Time needed: 50 minutes.
Spread a drop cloth or plastic sheeting over the floor. Wrap a plastic bag around the base of your tree to protect it from flocking powder. Make sure to open and fluff the branches if your tree is artificial to achieve a fuller look and better coverage.
Using a spray bottle, mist the tree with water while paying special attention to the tops of the branches. At the same time, be careful not to oversaturate the Christmas tree.
Place the flocking powder in a fine-mesh strainer for more even distribution over the branches. Start from the top and move to the bottom. Work your way from the tips inwards.
For better coverage, continue applying the flocking powder until you achieve the desired look. Finally, mist with water again and let the tree dry for around 8 hours.
The steps required to flock a Christmas tree with spray don’t differ much from those when using flocking powder. You won’t need to spray water before and after but still, adequate preparation and a well-ventilated working space are necessary.
What you need:
A step-by-step guide to flocking a tree with spray:
Christmas without a Christmas tree is just not the same. However, if you don’t have enough time for shopping around, you can opt for Christmas tree delivery. Fantastic Services offers delivery of either pot-grown Norway spruces or real-cut Nordmann Firs.
When the Christmas season is over, you can also trust the friendly team to help you dispose of your tree or transplant it directly into your garden.
Book Christmas tree delivery today and spend the merry holidays with a real fresh-scented evergreen.
Contact Fantastic Services and get a beautiful Christmas tree delivered to your place!
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Image source: Shutterstock / Scott Book
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