Pest Problems

Spider Infestation: Discover What Are the Professional Removal Costs in the UK?

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Although spiders eat the pesky flies in your home, they manage to scare many people. Arachnophobia is no joke if you have it. A serious infestation can likely cause you to go bonkers.

So, the fastest and easiest way to deal with that is to call professionals to assist. But before that, it’s good to research and know more about the spider exterminator cost in the UK.

Can I get an exterminator for spiders?

You can absolutely get pest control for spiders. It’s actually the preferred method if you’re overwhelmed by the infestation. Many pest control technicians in the UK specialise in spider removal. They can handle everything from minor issues to emergencies caused by the creepy arthropods.

How much do pest controllers charge for spider treatment?

Now let’s answer the question on your mind. How much is spider extermination? On average, spider exterminator prices can range from £60 to £150. That‘s a very wide price range, but it is so because it depends on…

  • How bad is the infestation – A spider here and there won’t cost much. However, if there’s a whole bunch of them, the price can go up. A large infestation requires more time and resources;
  • How big is your property – Larger homes or properties cost more to treat. There’s more ground to cover, so no wonder;
  • What’s the location of your place – Prices can vary based on where you are in the UK. Services in urban areas might be more expensive compared to rural locations;
  • What is the treatment – Some treatments might require follow-up visits. That will increase the overall cost.

There might also be additional charges if special equipment or if you need emergency spider removal services. Always ask for a detailed quote before you hire a service.

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What kind of pest control treatment for spiders can you get?

Professionals have a variety of effective methods at their disposal to deal with the eight-legged.

  • Chemical sprays – These are quick and effective. You apply them around entry points, cracks, and other areas where spiders are likely to hide. They bring immediate results;
  • Sticky traps – Pros strategically place them in areas where spiders are active, like near windows and doors, under furniture, in corners and along baseboards. In a way, the predator becomes the pray;
  • Fumigation – Professionals seal the property and unleash a fog of insecticide. It’s a comprehensive solution but requires you to leave the premises for a certain period.

While DIY spider extermination methods can be tempting, getting a professional for spider pest control has some clear benefits. First off, professionals use stronger, more effective products. You can’t buy these at the store.

Secondly, they know exactly where to look for spider nests. The problem must be attacked at its source, after all. There is also the matter of actually applying the material properly so as not to endanger themselves or you. Lastly, professionals always aim for long-term results.

Each professional spider extermination service starts with an inspection. The technician identifies the type of spiders. Also, the extent of the infestation. Based on this, they’ll develop a treatment plan. Next, they apply the chosen treatments. It can be sprays, traps, or fumigation. After the initial treatment, a follow-up visit might be scheduled to make sure the spiders are gone.

Still, there is something you can do. Before the exterminator arrives, you should…

  • Clean the area – Remove clutter and vacuum thoroughly to help the exterminator access spider-prone areas;
  • Seal food and utensils – Store away food items and cooking utensils to avoid contamination;
  • Pet care – Keep pets away from treated areas. Follow any specific instructions from the exterminator for their safety.
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Why is my house infested with spiders?

Have you noticed an increased number of spiders crawling around, then, that’s no coincidence. What usually attracts house spiders are food, shelter or moisture.

Spiders are primarily hunters and feed on other insects. If your home has a lot of bugs, it becomes an attractive feeding ground for spiders. Spiders also seek out places that offer shelter and warmth. That’s why they love attics and basements. There they build their webs undisturbed.

Areas of the house like the basement or garage can also be rich in moisture which attracts these insects. Bathrooms, kitchens, and other damp areas of your home can be prime locations for spiders to set up shop, too.

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Ok, but how do big spiders get in your house, anyway? Well, spiders can crawl through the smallest of spaces that are present around windows and doors. Apart from that, they also use vents, chimneys and any other openings that have direct access from outside. At times they invade your homes via items like plant pots, firewood or the clothes you wear. So, now you know they are resourceful.

What kinds of spiders are common in the UK and how to identify an infestation?

Spiders are a familiar pest in many households in the UK. Even more so during some seasons of the year. And they’re not only one type, either. You can have different spider species like…

  • House spiders – The most common spiders you’ll find indoors. They are typically brown with long legs and can grow quite large. House spiders often build their webs in corners, under furniture, and in basements or attics;
  • False widow spidersFalse widows resemble black widows but are harmless. They have dark, bulbous bodies with markings. Their bite hurts but is rarely serious. Spiders nest in dark areas like garden sheds and under furniture;
  • Daddy long legs spiders – These are very thin-legged spiders with a very slender and small body and are not dangerous to people. They are usually found in such dark areas as basements, bathrooms, cellars and other regions that are moist;
  • Cellar spiders – Similar to Daddy long legs, these spiders have long legs and are often found in cool, damp environments. They create messy, irregular webs and are not harmful to humans.

Great, like one species wasn’t enough. How do I know if I have a spider infestation at my house, you might be wondering. One of the most obvious indicators is, of course, webs. If you regularly find new webs in different areas, that’s likely bad news.

You are likely to see the culprits in multiple rooms as well. Know that spiders are usually solitary creatures. If you see many of them, it can mean there are plenty more hiding. Lastly, egg sacs and shed skins in corners and hidden spots are the final proof that you have an infestation.

What are the risks of having an infestation? Well, some people may be allergic. Of course, they don’t know it until the spider bites them. The result is mild to severe reactions. Bites from spiders like the False widow, although rare, can even cause pain and discomfort.

But even if it’s not bites, a large number of spiders can become a nuisance. Besides, the longer the infestation stays, the more spiders you will have. A horrifying spider fact is that a single female can lay hundreds of eggs. Who would want that in their house?

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Can you prevent a spider infestation from repeating?

Absolutely, you can take several preventative measures to reduce the likelihood of a spider infestation.

  • Secure all entry points – Inspect your home for any cracks, gaps, or openings around windows, doors, and the foundation. Then, use caulk or weatherstripping to seal these entry points;
  • Reduce clutter – Spiders love to hide in cluttered areas. So, keep your kitchen and the rest of your home tidy and organised. That goes double for your basement, attic, and garage.
  • Clean regularly – Pay special attention to corners, under furniture, and other undisturbed areas. By Regularly vacuuming and dusting, you remove spider webs, egg sacs, and any existing spiders;
  • Keep your garden well-maintainedTrim back bushes, trees, and other vegetation from your home’s exterior. Clear away piles of leaves, wood, and other debris where spiders might nest;
  • Install screens on windows and doors – This allows you to keep windows and doors open without giving spiders an easy entry;
  • Dehumidify – Spiders are attracted to moisture. Use dehumidifiers in damp areas like basements and bathrooms to make these spaces less hospitable to spiders;
  • Manage outdoor lighting – Spiders are attracted to lights because they attract other insects, their food source. Use yellow or sodium vapour light bulbs outside your home, which are less attractive to insects and, consequently, spiders;
  • Use natural repellents – Essential oils like peppermint, tea tree, and lavender can be used as repellents. Mix a few drops with water and spray it around entry points and common spider areas.

Don’t let that spider nest spire out of control.

Book spider control today!

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  • The prices for spider extermination vary between £60 and £150;
  • You shouldn’t keep a spider infestation because it will become worse over time;
  • Spiders in the households are not dangerous, but they can cause allergic reactions.
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